Last weekend I was invited to a baby shower. It was gift card shower so the hostesses decided to have a contest for the most creative wrapping. Genius idea considering otherwise the guest of honor would get a pile of cards and nothing fun or pretty to look at or open. My competitive brain immediately went to work and I came up with the truck above. And you know how I love felt. It's based on an early 20th century market truck that I designed myself. Did I win? Well, victory went to a guest who wrapped the gift card in a diaper. Lord knows I have plenty of those lying around the house and I could have saved myself many hours of thinking, drawing and sewing. But that's okay. I did it for fun, not for the glory.
* Do I sound bitter? That's probably just from my finger tips that are still healing from some of the more difficult stitches.
** No, I did not give her a Christmas themed Starbucks card. Though a new mom could very well use that.
The diaper was clever, but yours was my favorite!
I loved your felt truck Susan!! It was my favorite for sure!
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