Saturday, April 16, 2011

Egg Hunt '11

On our way to our neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt this morning.

Sawyer was super pumped waiting for the hunt to begin and was even jumping up and down and doing a little dance. He lost all interest after finding chocolate in the first egg and just wanted to eat "nanny" (candy). Just learned that word this morning.

Finn secured quite a basketful of eggs. He even shared some with Sawyer after Sawyer dropped his basket and another little boy came over and took some of his eggs.

Watch out cousins! I think these boys are ready for the annual family Easter egg hunt.

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Monday, April 4, 2011

04/04, Oh Four

Finnegan is Four today!

We celebrated with a huge party on Saturday. Finn invited everyone, even some of the mannequins at Nordstrom's. Seriously.* The weather was a little cooler than we would have liked but that certainly did not stop the kids from jumping in the bouncy house, painting their wooden cars, hanging on the play structure, digging in the sand box and generally having a fantastic time.

Here he is getting some help with the candles from his buddies Mikey and Jackson.

I was shocked to see so many of the kids sitting at the table at once.
I guess they will do anything for some cake.

And, of course, here is Sawyer hamming it up for the camera.
At the end of the party he hopped up on the kiddie tables and did his best cat walk. Seriously.

*Finn walked straight up to the kiddie mannequins in the boys department and said, "Hey, you guys want to come to my party?" This was in January.