Friday, March 27, 2009

More fun with felt

Last weekend I was invited to a baby shower.  It was gift card shower so the hostesses decided to have a contest for the most creative wrapping.  Genius idea considering otherwise the guest of honor would get a pile of cards and nothing fun or pretty to look at or open.  My competitive brain immediately went to work and I came up with the truck above.  And you know how I love felt.  It's based on an early 20th century market truck that I designed myself.  Did I win?  Well, victory went to a guest who wrapped the gift card in a diaper.  Lord knows I have plenty of those lying around the house and I could have saved myself many hours of thinking, drawing and sewing.  But that's okay.  I did it for fun, not for the glory.

* Do I sound bitter?  That's probably just from my finger tips that are still healing from some of the more difficult stitches.

** No, I did not give her a Christmas themed Starbucks card.  Though a new mom could very well use that.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Go Adrienne!

My friend, Adrienne Simmons, a sylist and personal shopper, appeared on Fox this morning to discuss magazine fashion deals. How cool is that? Now, I know what your wondering. How do you know someone so cool and hip? Well, Adrienne is also an attorney and we once spent months working in a cramped conference room full of legal documents. Definitely not fashionable.

You can check out her Fox interview here. If you like that then definitely check out her blog be fashion fierce!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Awesome Day

Last weekend, Finn and I went to the big purple building, aka the Children's Discovery Museum in San Jose. I found street parking (score!) and we got there just as the museum was opening. Seeing all of the other little munchkins heading toward the same place we were heading was the first hint that we were going somewhere he might like and he started to get excited. Once in the museum, what can I say, you can't pay for that kind of pure joy and enthusiasm. Every exhibit was like the coolest. We started out in the bubble room. Then headed upstairs to the Wonder Cabinet which is for kids 4 and under. He was having a blast playing, jumping, climbing, checking out puppets. Everything was his size and he was in heaven. We stayed for about 2 1/2 hours. He fell asleep in my arms on the walk back to the car. Sweet boy. Awesome day.

Trying to eat the bubbles as they came out of the hose.

What do I do with this thing?

Put it over my head!

Zonked out before we leave our parking spot.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Finn climbing the dragon at the Children's Discovery Museum in his IR/SH t-shirt.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


On Friday I picked Finn up from daycare. I chatted with the owner's husband, Michael, and their helper, Juana for a long while. We were chatting about basketball, the Warriors, SCU, etc. I was in their living room for a good 15 minutes. I wished them a good weekend and went out the door. After buckling Finn into his car seat, I happened to look down and see this . . .

I was late picking up Finn so I put on one shoe and grabbed and threw on what I thought to be it's mate.  No mate.  More like a cousin.  Same shoe.  Different material.  I busted out in hysterical laughter.  OMG, I have never, NEVER, worn two different shoes before.  I had a good laugh for several minutes.  And then I had to think back.  Were Michael and Juana giving me odd looks?  Probably and deservedly.  I will have to explain myself on Monday.  And they will pleasantly deny noticing my mix up but will be secretly glad that I wasn't trying to start a new trend.  I leave that to my nephew, Connor, who may actually think I am cool now.  He wears one black and one white shoe.  

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Uh oh

The other morning I got out of the shower and this is what was waiting for me in my bedroom.

The little man hauled himself, a box of cereal and a cereal bowl onto our bed and was quite enjoying his second breakfast.