Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Simple Pleasures

I am really excited about something. I mean tremendously, stupendously excited. What is this miracle that has me beaming with joy? I have a working bathtub. Yep, that's right. My life has come to this. I'm excited because the bathtub finally works. And now my kid can finally enjoy what other kids his age have been doing for months -- playing and splashing in a real, honest to goodness bathtub. Not a kitchen sink. A tub. This also means, one more thing checked off the home repair "to do" list. YAY! Now we are looking forward to installing the Boon Frog Pod and Flo set to complete the bath time ambiance. "We" meaning me and Finn. I don't think Jason is going to be too excited about a huge plastic frog hanging in the bathroom. Oh well, better fix the other tub then.

Here's a movie of the bathtub christening.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Big Dipper

Another milestone achieved! Finn is now into "dipping" his food. This is exciting because before he just shoved his fingers sans food into the dip resulting in a big nasty mess. He is also into double+ dipping. Consider yourself warned the next time there's dip on the table and Finn is around. That is, unless you want a constant runny nose. If only thick, shiny blond hair was contagious.

Monday, October 20, 2008

I made this . . . and it was delicious

Lucky Leslie got chocolate peanut butter pie for her birthday dessert.

Okay, I didn't take this photograph but the finished product looked identical. I have witnesses.

It was fun to make.

Do you have any requests?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

To Auntie Trine, with love

Here is Finn sporting his Norwegian sleepwear from Auntie Trine. These were in the hand-me-down box from cousin Thomas. Trine handknit the slippers and it turns out that the p.j.'s were actually Trine's from when she was a little girl. This fact may someday seem embarrassing to Finn-- wearing his auntie's p.j.'s -- but they are so darn cute. You can hardly tell that there are kitty-cat ballerinas depicted on them.

Monday, October 13, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like . . .

Halloween, everywhere you go . . . around our house

Friday, October 10, 2008

12 words and 3 animal sounds

Finn had his 18 month check up earlier this week. The doctor kept hammering me with questions, like: "Does your son fall down like that a lot?" and "How much milk does he drink per day? How many words can he say? Does he point at pictures in books?"

Hmm . . . uhhh . . . I was feeling decidedly like a certain Republican VP candidate. Yes, he says all of them, points at any of 'em, whatever is in front of him.

"But he's saying at least 10-15 words, right?"

"Yah," I said trying to reassure myself.

For the remainder of the visit I found myself blurting out things like "He says 'thank you'" and "He's really into brushing his teeth." I guess I was trying to prove that I was a worthy mother after all and that my son is developing normally despite his ginormous head (which is now merely in the 99th percentile).

After leaving the office and feeling rather guilty about not knowing such Finn facts at the drop of a hat I reflected on Finn's vocabulary. That kid talks a lot. Some of those sounds must be actual words. Let's see:

No, no, no = No
Yah = yes
enh euu or day doo = Thank You
dad-deeeee = Daddy or Mommy and maybe you, if he really likes you
dawg = dog
gout = Scout
Mamamamama = code blue
baby = baby
eye = Hi
bye = bye
doh = down/done (get me out of this high chair)
num num nummy = yummy

He makes animal sounds upon request. That counts right?
Rrrraarrr = Sound a bear makes
Oof Oof = Sound a dog makes
Maow = Sound a cat makes

Whew! We are in the 10-15 word range. Now if I listen a bit more intently I may recognize other words hiding in his gibberish speak. Better start busting out the Your Baby Can Read videos again.

The Great Pumpkin Hunt '08

Walking down the street in Half Moon Bay

Checking out the selection at the pumpkin farm

Oh yeah, this one looks good

Got me a punkin

Herculean effort

Monday, October 6, 2008

She's crafty

I can't stop myself from making stuff out of felt.  
But this seems educational.  So it's okay, right?

Okay, I can admit it . . .

I bought my kid some crocs.  

Don't be a hater.  

I promise to be a good mom and not let him wear them on escalators or elevators or people movers or any other croc/toes eating machinery.   

Man, you people are tough.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Look What Finn Can Do!

Here is a preview of artwork by the budding artist, Finn.  In the first piece he went monochrome.  Totally a statement about today's society. Can't you see it?

Now this next piece-- What vision! And a delightful use of color. The untrained eye may not notice his use of multiple mediums. This piece has an earthy quality about it. (Literally. He poured dirt on the wet paint and it stuck.)

He is also trying his hand at performance art. Some of you may have caught his performance at Celia's a couple weeks back. Or perhaps at Zanotto's or Mustard's Cafe? His vocal range is just exquisite.  (Or perhaps excruciating?) Oh and the anger behind the tears and the swinging arms. It's so real. (Because, sadly, is it.)

Here is a portrait of the artist deep in thought.  Perhaps devising his next masterpiece? Perhaps pooping?   Who can really know?  We can only wait with excitement and anticipation for his next creation.