Finn is a very lucky boy. And not just because he has the awesomest parents ever. And not just because he now has the awesomest play structure ever. But because he has the awesomest family ever. Spell check keeps telling me awesomest is not a word but I'm pretty sure it is.
Uncles Steve, Kurt and Eric took the day off from work and family to take apart, move and then put together his new play structure. Cousin Thomas also helped out at the job sites. Auntie Kirsten and cousins Collin and Connor spent the day babysitting Finn. Auntie Kym and cousins Matt and Drew performed a safety check of the structure.
And let's not forget to send a huge thank you to the McGannon family for donating their play structure to our young Finn.
The swing set was detached by the time we got there.

The boys doing something important.
Eric dismantling the play house area.
Even Thomas is pitching in. Or maybe just getting in one last hurrah before the structure is in pieces.

Here they are putting it all back together again. Reconstruction took a little bit longer but they were all wrapped up and enjoying a cold one by 3:30. All in all, a very efficient work crew.
Steve working on the swing set side.
Hey, there's Jason doing something important.
Thomas making sure the tire swing is working properly while his dad is still working on the finishing touches above.
The finished product. It's a nice size and fits perfectly in our side yard.
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