I'm a little embarrassed that it has been well over a month since my last post. What have I been doing? Lots of stuff. And since things aren't slowing down and I won't be anywhere near my computer on July 3rd, let me just say
Happy Birthday Mom!
And in honor of your birthday, it is now your turn to be the subject of my tribute.
For my Mom:
My Mother set a very powerful example for me. You can be a wife and mother and have a career. When I was just beginning grade school, my mom went back to work. As I recall, this was not the norm among her peers and I never got the feeling that financial need drove her to do so. What I understood, was that my Mom wanted to work, she wanted to develop a career for herself and do something productive outside of our home. I remember her going back to school, studying, taking tests. My friends’ moms were not doing this. But we were all so proud of her. And then she landed her first job at Dawson and Brolan. And then she was on to Hill & Co., Troycor and McGuire. She artfully balanced her career and family and I don’t remember ever feeling deprived because she had gone back to work. I mean, except for that time she forgot to pick me up at summer daycamp. And the entire family and half the neighborhood were out looking for me. And it turned out that I had been resourceful and walked to my Nana’s apartment and waited there for someone to pick me up. And the whole thing nearly drove my Mother to quit her new career. You know, except for that.
My Mom taught me to fight for what I want and not accept “no” for an answer. And that is especially true with anything relating to her children. She motivates us (one way or another) to try harder, do better, and never give up. I can say without a doubt that I would not be where I am today had my Mother not raised me the way she did. When I have thought of giving up, I hear my Mom’s voice in my head, and keep pressing forward to reach my goal. That is a Gift that she gave to me.
My Mother set a very powerful example for me. You can be a wife and mother and have a career. When I was just beginning grade school, my mom went back to work. As I recall, this was not the norm among her peers and I never got the feeling that financial need drove her to do so. What I understood, was that my Mom wanted to work, she wanted to develop a career for herself and do something productive outside of our home. I remember her going back to school, studying, taking tests. My friends’ moms were not doing this. But we were all so proud of her. And then she landed her first job at Dawson and Brolan. And then she was on to Hill & Co., Troycor and McGuire. She artfully balanced her career and family and I don’t remember ever feeling deprived because she had gone back to work. I mean, except for that time she forgot to pick me up at summer daycamp. And the entire family and half the neighborhood were out looking for me. And it turned out that I had been resourceful and walked to my Nana’s apartment and waited there for someone to pick me up. And the whole thing nearly drove my Mother to quit her new career. You know, except for that.
My Mom taught me to fight for what I want and not accept “no” for an answer. And that is especially true with anything relating to her children. She motivates us (one way or another) to try harder, do better, and never give up. I can say without a doubt that I would not be where I am today had my Mother not raised me the way she did. When I have thought of giving up, I hear my Mom’s voice in my head, and keep pressing forward to reach my goal. That is a Gift that she gave to me.

My Mom and "her brood" circa 1976

How the brood has grown by 2010.