Turning 3 means Finn can now pretty much dress himself. The other day he stripped naked, ran away, and came back fully clothed. He had picked out a shirt and pants and put them on all by himself. Including a diaper! He's also able (but not so willing) to put his shoes and socks on by himself.
Finn has graduated from the parent/tot swim classes and is now very proud to be a Jellyfish. Jason was sure that Finn would have a melt down at the pool when he found out that Jason would not be swimming with him this time. I wasn't the least bit worried. The kid did great. Not a tear or a frown. Here he is swimming with the instructor while holding on to a floating barbell thing.

Here he is, with his partner in crime, practicing kicking after the instructor expressly asked them not to do that while he was working with another student.
Here he is with his tongue hanging out. That kid.
Sawyer has started saying dada. Here's a video of him chattering away. He has also started teething. But I will spare you the drama.