Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Happy 5th Finn!

Finn is wearing his birthday crown made by his friends at preschool.

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Finn's 5th Birthday Party!

For Finn's birthday party we did a pizza party, complete with mustache theme, for the kids. Thank goodness we chose an indoor party. The rain was unbelievable!

The kids got to write their name and draw on their chef hats.

Surprisingly, all of the kids sat still and listened to the pizza chef.

Time for some messy fun time!

The kids got to make their own pizza dough and sauce and assemble their pizzas.

While the pizzas were cooking in the oven, the kids decorated their cupcakes.

Time to dig in!

Time to blow out the candles. Hopefully your little brother doesn't beat you to it!

Finn's Mustache Bash

Show us your 'stache!

More photos from Finn's 5th birthday party.