Monday, November 5, 2012

Sawyer's Birthday & the Great Pumpkin Hunt 2012

Sawyer turned 3!  Like a month or so ago.  I'm a little behind.  He was sooooo excited about his birthday.  For months, I asked him what he wanted.  

Sawyer: Frosting cake.  
Me: Hmm.  Do you want any presents to open?  
S: Yes, a big one.
Me: Okay.  What's in side.
S: A cake, with frosting.

Well, don't worry.  He got several.

After breakfast and presents, we hit the pumpkin patch with buddies Nora and Jackson.  

Finn and Sawyer entering the pumpkin patch.

The birthday boy on top of his pumpkin haul.

"Finnoran" (that's what Finn and Nora call themselves) and Jackson and Sawyer.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

14 years

Wow, that flew by fast.

Finn drew this picture of us on the top of a wedding cake to commemorate our special day.  That kid's got some art skills.  Am I right?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

Today Finn started kindergarten. I have nothing else to say.  Sniff, sniff.

This boy loves his Momma.  
 Check out Finn's craaaaazzzzy laces.  He picked those out himself.

Walking to class with Daddy
In front of his new classroom

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It happened again

Dear Tooth Fairy,

Finn lost a second tooth.  I hope you've made wise investments.  Your gonna need a lot of cash to keep up with this kid.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Tooth Fairy

A little thing happened while I was away partying it up with my girlfriends in Key West.  Finn lost his tooth.  His first tooth!

The pic Jason texted me that night.

While I was snuggling into a cozy bed -- by myself, mind you -- after a long night of pounding Corona Light (or is it Corona Lite?) and shaking my booty to music that would make my husband's ears bleed, my baby boy bit into an apple and lost his first tooth.

Thankfully I happened to call about 5 minutes after it happened.  So it was like I was there.  Right?  He did agree that it would be a good idea to wait until Mommy came home to put it in the tooth fairy pillow.  Whew!  A girl can't miss out on too many of these first moments.  But for some reason he thought it was necessary to hide the tooth in a dark place, like under his bed, where the tooth fairy couldn't find it in the meantime.  Where do they come up with this stuff?

Fortunately, the tooth fairy was able to wait a couple more nights before sneaking off with that first tooth.

Finn with his tooth fairy bear and 5 bucks from the tooth fairy.
I hope just the first tooth goes for a premium.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Graduation Day

 Another milestone for my little Finnster.  He is now a preschool grad.  We are so proud of you and look forward to your new career in monkey bars and arts & crafts.  Here's hoping that coloring within the lines pays well so you can start paying off your preschool loans.

When I dropped Finn off this morning the school was already buzzing with graduation excitement

A pic from the ceremony
Looking good!
Finn painted the pumpkin tile in the middle for a school tile project.  They were on display after the ceremony.

The first of many diplomas!  Good job Finn!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Happy 5th Finn!

Finn is wearing his birthday crown made by his friends at preschool.

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Finn's 5th Birthday Party!

For Finn's birthday party we did a pizza party, complete with mustache theme, for the kids. Thank goodness we chose an indoor party. The rain was unbelievable!

The kids got to write their name and draw on their chef hats.

Surprisingly, all of the kids sat still and listened to the pizza chef.

Time for some messy fun time!

The kids got to make their own pizza dough and sauce and assemble their pizzas.

While the pizzas were cooking in the oven, the kids decorated their cupcakes.

Time to dig in!

Time to blow out the candles. Hopefully your little brother doesn't beat you to it!

Finn's Mustache Bash

Show us your 'stache!

More photos from Finn's 5th birthday party.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Just a little Dippity Do

Re-posting in the hopes Blogger won't chop off the kid's face again.

Just a little Dippity Do

Is it 1962? Nope. Sawyer got the full barber treatment this afternoon.

What's Dippity Do (sp?). You'll have to ask my Mom and Pops.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine plunder

Finally, the boys are home with their valentine plunder.

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Heart shaped pizza

Finn's request. Why not?

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Happy Valentine's Day

This is the bounty of valentines that Finn and Sawyer will pass out today. Last year we made some yummy heart cookies. But this year we decided to go sugar free. Finn is passing out lip shaped noisemakers and Sawyer is passing out bouncy balls (his favorite). I borrowed the idea for the bouncy balls here. The lips were all me and say "Pucker Up. It's Valentine's Day." or "Read my lips. Have a happy Valentine's Day."