Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dearest Little One

Dearest precious little one residing in my belly,

What are you doing in there? Do you have a case of disco fever? Are you training to be a Navy Seal? Your Momma is getting beaten from the inside out. My belly is jumpin' and jivin' all over the place. When I turn on my side, little pointy baby parts (hands, feet, elbows?) dig into the mattress. They say a baby that is active in utero is also active out of the utero. I'm starting to think you will require a harness and a helmet.

Please be nice to your Momma. We've got just 10 weeks left together til we meet face to face and you are growing exponentially.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Stay Cool Momma Style

Oh man, it has been hot around our house lately. We are using every trick we can think of to keep cool.

Finn-style: Demand to be let outside. Strip naked poolside. Sit on first step and splash around like you are in the world's largest bathtub. Go inside but refuse to wear one stitch of clothing, including a diaper.

Scout-style: Find the spot of ground with the most concentrated sunrays. Lay in it. Cook til done.

Momma-style: Complain that "I am heating for two, you know." Seek out ice cold non-alcoholic beverages. Complain some more. Sit poolside next to naked boy. Chase naked boy around house trying to wrestle a diaper on him. Get over heated again. Resume complaining. Drink ice cold water in front of open freezer. Collapse on couch.

Jason-style: Make irritating comments to your overheated, pregnant wife, such as, "It's not hot. In fact, I'm cold. Throw me a blanket."

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

River '09

Per tradition, we spent the 4th of July up at the Russian River.  It wasn't quite as warm as we had hoped but we certainly had fun and lots of relaxation with good friends.  For some reason, nearly all of the photos are of Finn.  Funny how that happens. 

Finn and Eva at the beach.

Doing some important digging.

Feeding the ducks at our campground.

Finn was eager to throw food for the ducks.

Watching the ducks eat lunch.
Proof that I was there!  At least I got in one photo. ;)

Friday, July 3, 2009

HapBirDay Muti!

Finn was very taken with Sponge Bob.  He carried that toy around for days and named it "Manimaux."  I think he was trying to call it "animal."

Muti and 3 of her grandsons.  Finn could not peel his eyes away from Sponge Bob to look at the camera.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A glimpse

Last weekend it was sooo hot.  Africa hot.  I am heating for two, you know.  So on Sunday, I packed up Finn and Scout and we headed up to the City.  The ocean breeze never felt so good! By the afternoon, my siblings in the East Bay had joined us. 

Finn was napping when his cousins, Drew & Matt, arrived.  But it didn't take much to get him riled up and before long the boys and the dogs were wrestling, screaming, giggling and such in the entry hall.  A glimpse of what it will be like with two boys in the house.  Oh my.  I'm not sure I'm ready for this.  Is it too late to change my mind?

Poor Drew played the part of the horse with Matt and Finn as his passengers.  
Gee, it would have been nice if they had taken turns.

Drew is on the bottom of the pile up, smiling and laughing the whole time.  
Note Scout, sneaking away before the boys get any ideas of piling up on her.

What?  We're having fun.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Nana!

Or as Finn says "HapBirday!"

Finn reaches for Nana's candle.  Hope she had enough time to make a wish!