Monday, June 29, 2009

Crashed out

Just the way I like him!

Finn, Scout and I headed up to the City to escape the heat yesterday. Finn napped on the car ride. Look how comfy he is, leg perched on the passenger seat no less. As if he had just a little too much fun at a Jimmy Buffet concert.

We had a grand day with Muti, Papa Al, Karol & Noel & doggies and Kym, Steve and Cousins Drew and Matt. Matt and Finn enjoyed horsey rides from Drew. There was much giggling, screaming and all around excitement.

He looked pretty much the same on the way home, except for the Aloha shirt and shorts were replaced by jammies.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Kudos to Cousin Thomas

If the Marin IJ blog is going to blog about my superstar-of-a-swimmer-nephew Thomas, then sure as heck MommaSooze is gonna blog and brag about him too! As of last weekend, Thomas scored himself on the Triple Winners List and on 3 of the Top 5 Swimmers League Wide Lists for Boys 8 and under. Nice work kid! We are all very proud of you.

When can you come over and teach your moves to your cousin Finn?

*Photo courtesy of his Dad's facebook page

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Filoli Fotos

As a belated Mother's Day present, my sister and I took my mom to Filoli to enjoy the beautiful house and gardens. Finn was in tow, of course. It was a lovely day and Finn was in a good mood.

At the front of the house.  Hmm, what's in there?

Being silly with Muti

Hanging with Auntie Karol and her fabulous new handbag.  I think Finn bonded with his Auntie that day.  He didn't stop saying "Kawol" for days.

Best part of the day- cookie time!

Checking out his ladybug cookie.

Muti and Finn

Checking out the poppies.

Friday, June 19, 2009

San Jose Giants

Last weekend we checked out our first SJ Giants game as a family. Unfortunately, due to my bun-in-the-oven state I wasn't able to partake in the beer batter extravaganza. What's that, you say. Well you will have to go to a San Jose Giants game to experience that for yourself. But I did get to partake in the awesome BBQ. I'm still thinking about those ribs. Mmmm.

Finn was pretty amped about running around in the bleachers.  When that novelty wore off he picked up garbage and threw it away.  Very clean and tidy, that kid.  

Here are some photos from the day.  The high quality ones are courtesy of Uncle Jeff and his fancy new camera.  

Here are Finn and Jason with Gigante, the SJ Giant's mascot.  

Mr. Clean

High-fiving Gigante

Monday, June 8, 2009

Momma's Back!

Well, sort of.  I'm actually home sick today.  But if you haven't heard from me it's because I've been working my patootie off at the office.  I worked nearly an entire month straight- weekends and holidays included and I am tired.  And I'm sure that's why I'm sick.

So if you haven't heard from me, I can only say, "I'm sorry."  If I missed your birthday, your kid's birthday party, your wedding (yes, that happened), forgot to send a thank you note, didn't return your call/email/text/IM, again . . . I'm sorry.  

A few things happened while I was "out":

1) Iowa proved itself to be more progressive than California.  Who knew?  Not me, that's for sure.  And I've been to Iowa- lots of times.  Don't get me wrong, Iowa is full of very nice people, but I wouldn't use adjectives like, "liberal," "progressive" or "gay-friendly" to describe them.   Until now that is.

2) Finn grew up.  He just seems so much more like a boy and less of a baby.  His voice sounds different, he's growing out of his clothes and he is full of opinions.  Knock if off kid, I don't even let your dad have his own opinions.  I wish.

3) I gained 5 more lbs.  I blame it on all of the late night stress eating while putting in those long days and nights at work.  I feel huge but those that love me (really love me) keep telling me I look great.  Thank you very much.

4) I made this.  It was pretty good.  Next time more lemon curd.

5) Jason and I put ourselves on a budget.  Bleh.  Stupid budget.  Stupid economy.

6) And my c-section got scheduled- Monday, Sept 28th at 11:30 am.  How's that for taking all of the mystery out of child birth!  Put it on your calendar and then come late September when you ask yourself, "Gee, I wonder if Susan had that baby yet?" you can just check your date book and you will know.

Aaah, it feels good to be back.  But I know what my readers want- more pictures of Finn.  I've got some and will post them soon.

Love to all!