Well, sort of. I'm actually home sick today. But if you haven't heard from me it's because I've been working my patootie off at the office. I worked nearly an entire month straight- weekends and holidays included and I am tired. And I'm sure that's why I'm sick.
So if you haven't heard from me, I can only say, "I'm sorry." If I missed your birthday, your kid's birthday party, your wedding (yes, that happened), forgot to send a thank you note, didn't return your call/email/text/IM, again . . . I'm sorry.
A few things happened while I was "out":
1) Iowa proved itself to be more
progressive than California. Who knew? Not me, that's for sure.
And I've been to Iowa- lots of times. Don't get me wrong, Iowa is full of very nice people, but I wouldn't use adjectives like, "liberal," "progressive" or "gay-friendly" to describe them. Until now that is.
2) Finn grew up. He just seems so much more like a boy and less of a baby. His voice sounds different, he's growing out of his clothes and he is full of opinions. Knock if off kid, I don't even let your dad have his own opinions. I wish.
3) I gained 5 more lbs. I blame it on all of the late night stress eating while putting in those long days and nights at work. I feel huge but those that love me (really love me) keep telling me I look great. Thank you very much.
4) I made
this. It was pretty good. Next time more lemon curd.
5) Jason and I put ourselves on a budget. Bleh. Stupid budget. Stupid economy.
6) And my c-section got scheduled- Monday, Sept 28th at 11:30 am. How's that for taking all of the mystery out of child birth! Put it on your calendar and then come late September when you ask yourself, "Gee, I wonder if Susan had that baby yet?" you can just check your date book and you will know.
Aaah, it feels good to be back. But I know what my readers want- more pictures of Finn. I've got some and will post them soon.
Love to all!